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WYGF Hoodie Order Form

    First Name (required)

    Last Name (required)

    Date Of Birth (required)


    Child Hoodies:

    Please select required size:

    Please select required colour:

    You can personalise your Hoodie with a name on the back. Please enter your name EXACTLY as you would like it to appear in the box below (i.e. THOMAS or Thomas):

    Adult Hoodies:

    Please select required size:

    Please select required colour:

    You can personalise your Hoodie with a name on the back. Please enter your name EXACTLY as you would like it to appear in the box below (i.e. THOMAS or Thomas):

    PLEASE NOTE: your order is not confirmed until payment has been received.:

    Fee selection:

    Payment Details:

    Payment made via BACS. You MUST enter the applicant's Surname as part of the reference to enable us to trace your payment.

    Payment reference: WYGFMERC SURNAME
    Account name: GUITAR CIRCUS
    Account No: 00015130
    Sort code: 40-52-40