Learn more about who we are and what we do
Guitar Circus educational programmes and resources for teachers
Help us to continue to nurture classical guitar education
Please complete this form whether you are new to us this year, continuing your epic journey or leaving us this year.
Student forename
Student surname
Parent/guardian forename
Parent/guardian surname
Parent/guardian email address
Post Code
Please confirm your place on the appropriate ensemble. Please select one:
—Please choose an option—London Camerata (Helen Sanderson) - Annual Payment £960 or Monthly Payment £80Birmingham Camerata (Mark Ashford) - Annual Payment £960 or Monthly Payment £80Wales Camerata (Jiva Housden) - Annual Payment £960 or Monthly Payment £80I will not be returning to NYGE in September (please tell us what lies ahead in the box below).
If you have turned 18 years old and/or are leaving us please do let us know what adventures lie ahead and consider applying for the Fellowship Ensemble so you can continue your journey with NYGE:
You can choose to make your payment/s in full by 9th September 2024, or monthly over a period of 12 months . If you choose to pay monthly please set up a standing order to leave your account in the first week of every month, September to August inclusive. Please use the following details:
Account name:
Guitar Circus Ltd.
Account number:
Sort Code:
60 - 83 - 71
Please use transaction reference:
Please confirm whether you would like to pay monthly or in full:
In full by 9th September 2024Monthly by standing order in the first week of every monthN/A - I am leaving
As a charitable organisation (Registered Charity 1116396) we are able to claim Gift Aid against membership fees allowing us to deliver more opportunities and services to our members. For every £1, the Government will refund us an extra 25p. For example, £60 when Gift-Aided becomes £75.If you are a UK taxpayer please indicate below that you would like to register for GiftAid, all you have to do is click 'Yes' below.
Gift Aid Declaration for past, present & future donations to: GUITAR Circus . Please treat as Gift Aid donations all qualifying payments made in the past 4 years and in the future. I confirm I have paid or will pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for each tax year (6 April to 5 April) that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities that I donate to, will reclaim on my gifts for that tax year. I understand that other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify.
Please register me for Gift Aid:
Please read the following permission requests carefully and indicate your preferences:
I give permission for my son/daughter to go off campus on NYGE UK rehearsal days during break/lunch times, in groups of 3 of more:
YesNoN/A - I am leaving
I give permission for GUITAR Circus to photograph and video my son/daughter and agree that GUITAR Circus can use these images (without identifying names attached) in future publicity if required:
I give permission for GUITAR Circus to hold my son/daughter details and data for their own exclusive use. These details will be held in accordance with the Guitar Circus Privacy Policy and will not be shared with any other organisation:
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